Inspire Airbrush Base Kit:
Inspire Airbrush Base colours exhibit the most bright and vivid colours. All colours are intermixable to create thousands of colours. Base colours can also mixed with our other products: Candy, Spectracoat, Sparkle Pearls, Flip Paints, etc.
Base Kit includes 10 x 100ml Bottles:
- Black Base
- Dark Blue Base
- Dark Red Base
- Flesh Tone Base
- Green Base
- Lemon Base
- Mustard Base
- Orange Base
- Red Base
- White Base
Inspire Airbrush Kits:
Inspire Airbrush Candy Kit includes 10 Colours
CANDY COLOURS: Black Candy, Blue Candy, Brown Candy, Cherry Red Candy, Emerald Candy, Fools Gold Candy, Gold Candy, Orange Candy, Red Candy, Ruby Red Candy
Inspire Airbrush Sparkle Pearl Kit includes 8 Colours
SPARKLE PEARL COLOURS: Blue Sparkle Pearl, Copper Sparkle Pearl, Gold Sparkle Pearl, Green Sparkle Pearl, Purple Sparkle Pearl, Red Sparkle Pearl, Silver Sparkle Pearl, Turquoise Sparkle Pearl